Hi dear readers/fellow bloggers,
I am starting an award category called "Yummy Blog ! " where the blog with most yummy recipes/photos will get the award. The person who receives the award should display the "Yummy Blog !" logo on their blog and also the meaning of the award which is "Yummy blog award is the award given to the blog with most yummy recipes/photos" The receiver should also quote their favorite yummy-licious :) dessert(s) that they have ever prepared/eaten. Dont restrict yourself to any dessert, chocolate bars also welcome:). Also the receiver should pass on the award to four other bloggers who's blog they find "yummy" and let them know about the rules:)
To start with, I am going to present this award to :
Ranjeetha of Ranji's Kitchen Corner
Seena of Simple and Delicious
Dhivya of Dhivya's Cuisine
Sudha of Bombay Bistro
About my most yummy-licious dessert(s)....hmm there is a big list, but I am restricting it to three:
"Gulab Jamun "...mmmmm thats my favorite :)
"Palada Pradhaman"
"Nestle Crunch"
Enjoy :)