This week is been my happiest week as I was surprised by my dear V, with something I never expected and also my dear fellow bloggers presented me with lots of awards, in fact this weekend is a special day for me. Also we are going camping tomorrow !! Hurray :) This will be the first time me and V are going camping by ourselves.
Let me start with my first award from my dear cousin Ranji of Ranji's Kitchen Corner who got the award for "You make my day award". You really made my day Ranji!!

Seena of Simple and Delicious
Kamala of Mom's Recipes
Ranji and JZ of tasty treats passed on the "Nice Matters Award" to me, Thank you so much both of you:) I was floating in the air after reading the meaning of this award!! Thanks a lot again:)
“Nice Matters Award is for those bloggers who are nice people; good blog friends and those who inspire good feelings and inspiration. Also for those who are a positive influence on our blogging world.”

I am passing it to :
Roopa of Roopa's Recipes
Suma and Uma , Kamala presented me with the Rocking Girl blogger award!! Thank you so much :) !! it really made my day!!

Roopa of Roopa Recipes
Sudha of Bombay Bistro
Vani of Mysoorean
Last but not the least, (this one put a big smiley :) , I got the "Yummy Blog Award" :) This I got from dear Ranji :) ..Ranji, thank you so much because I never expected I would get my own award ;-) Hugs to you!!
""Yummy blog award is the award given to the blog with most yummy recipes/photos" ....well I remember the last time I wrote that line on one of my previous post ;)
Let me state my favorite desserts again as the category is changed in my taste:
1. Kaju Katli
2.Palada Payasam
3.Gulab Jamun
4.Vanilla ice cream

Sangeeth of Art of cooking Indian food
Roopa of Roopa Recipes
Anamika-The Sugarcrafter
Vaishali of Happy Burp
Vee of Past,Present and Me
Coming to the treats from my Kitchen :) , I decided to try out some treats from "Ranji's Kitchen Corner" I made Jambul which is a Konkani sweet usually served during marriage feasts or other special occasions ...This was the first sweet I made in my new kitchen:) This Sunday both me and V were at home spending a quiet evening and V was in the mood to have some sweet. I was meaning to try these Jambuls as I never had it since I don't know when....long time back. You may refer Ranji's blog for the actual recipe. It came out well the first time I made them :)
I also made her Badami Mushroom served with Jeera roti. I made a slight variation in the Badami Mushroom by adding a little of coconut milk. The taste was too good! These recipes can be found in her blog "Ranji's Kitchen Corner"
Whew....this was a long post :) but I feel happy about it :)